However, I refused to stop living. I was too sick to cross-stitch, so that had to wait, but I have read a couple books while I rested, and we had things that had to get done such as the Spring Parent-Teacher conferences, etc.
Valentine's Day was a day that I managed to get through at school, and sadly, The Crud meant that Ken and I had to reschedule our getaway. However, I received some cute things from my students and other students who know me to the point my desk was overloaded.
The best Valentine from students came from two girls that I work with:
Yep! Definitely awesome!!! Ken had roses and chocolate waiting for me when I got home from work on the 13th:
Even Taylor was spoiled by Chase at school: a dozen roses and some candy were delivered to her. She was embarrassed, and keeps saying that she doesn't understand why Chase won't understand the "just friends" statement. Ken and I keep trying to explain things to her about teenage boys, but she doesn't get it.
On the day before Valentine's Day, there was a school dance, and Taylor went with her friend, Danae. They spent hours in the bathroom getting ready, listening to music and doing each other's hair. Jordan made the statement that she wants to skip Middle School and go straight to High School so she can have the fun too.
After the dance, Taylor made the statement that she is "going to become the crazy cat lady who yells at everyone to get off the lawn." I laughed so hard at this!! Apparently, one boy kissed her at the dance in order to make Chase jealous which caused Taylor to not enjoy herself at the dance. I keep telling her, "Welcome to High School." She has not found the humor in this.
On Valentine's Day, Ken took Taylor to Billings for a "date." Taylor fought us about it for weeks. She didn't want to get dressed up, she thought it was stupid to go on a date with her dad, etc. Ken told her that he wanted to take her out on her first date so she could see how boys were supposed to treat her. Ken loved getting dressed up and Taylor complied reluctantly.
They saw a movie, went to lunch and had a great time. Taylor said that she really had a great time, and she apologized for giving us so much grief while she complained about going out. She asked why Dad insisted on opening her door for her; she's totally able to do it for herself. I explained to her about how Ken sat me down and explained that he loves the privilege of opening my car door for me, and how he asked me to let him do it. I explained that a true gentleman would do this for her, and she should allow it.
Taylor is so insistent on being independent and not letting a guy pay for her. Part of me loves it, and hopes that it sticks with her forever so she is never completely dependent on a man, but is interdependent on the right one.
Later on Valentine's Day, Ken and I went to dinner at 3 Brothers for their Valentine's Special. The entire "gang" was there minus Crystal and Scott because they were having a great time in the Virgin Islands, but we all managed to have a great time. I have also discovered that I must have a Selfie Stick!! This was awesome to get us all in this picture and take it on our own!
On February 17th, Sean arrived in Hardin, MT. I had a few days' notice of his arrival, and yes, this has caused Ken and me some friction. Luckily, Ken had planned on and made sure we sat down to create "rules" for Sean's stay here. Even after graduating with a Bachelor's degree and traveling the world for 7 months, Sean just doesn't know what he wants to do or what he wants in life. So, he bailed on the High Desert of California and decided to try Montana. Personally, I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. However, given the history with Ken's boys, my level of optimism is low.
Things have gone well the first 10 days: Sean was helpful around the house, he hung out with the girls (they really missed their brothers, and Sean is the first to visit here), and he was looking for work and not sitting on his ass. However, the last few days has found him surly with me. I refuse to get sucked in, and I have made my feelings known - me not tip-toeing around him was part of the rules. We'll see what happens, but Sean doesn't like how Conservative it is here, he doesn't like it's so small and "there's nothing to do," and he constantly wants to compare things in Montana to California. Um, yeah, that's not going to go well here.
Sean was able to receive his Christmas gifts that I found for him. The Leg Lamp ice cube tray was a hit, and he loved his advice book:
Ken has been completely happy here in Eastern Montana. Chase took him out one day to go fishing, and then we had trout for supper! We had more trout than we could eat! Ken got home and was so completely excited, and he kept thanking me for moving him here.
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Ken's first fish of the day! |
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No one has been able to explain this to me |
Yes, they are proud of the work they did, and yes, the trout was very tasty. I managed to pull off some parmesan roasted potatoes and a from-scratch apple crisp along with their fresh-caught supper.
Unfortunately, these bits of getting things done took it all out of me, and then I ended up sick and coughing again. I have had great intentions of completing things, but nothing seems to get done.
This weekend was a three day weekend for me, and a four day weekend for the girls. I have to go to work tomorrow for a training day, and Sean starts his new job as a Para for the Primary school here in town. I look forward to hearing how he likes his new job here, but I am worried that Sean doesn't like the smallness of the town.
Now, I had forgotten about a birthday gift I found for Ken - the 5.11 Tactical Kilt. He had seen a video on You Tube about it, and remarked about how he wanted one.
I found one, and he decided he would never wear it. Holy crap!! It took me over a year to find one, and I had to pay for it from ENGLAND!! Luckily, an old high school friend of mine is going to purchase it from us, but I made Ken hold it up:
Another funny is Taylor came home with a special sucker from Chase. Holy shit! I don't know to be proud of her sense of humor or scared by it. Apparently, Chase received this as a gift and couldn't bring himself to eat it. Taylor, however, did not care what it looked like, she wanted the sweets.
The girls got a special surprise from Grandpa Ken as well: chocolate hearts from Buffalo, NY.
The girls have been writing to Dave Smith - our old Cowboy friend from Hesperia. For Christmas, he sent each of the girls a book with some of his poetry and drawings.
The girls each just got a card from him as well with an original drawing on the outside. What a treat!! They love getting mail from Dave especially because it comes with a drawing! I've been working to get all of these into an actual book, but Dave keeps sending more drawings, and I want to include them all!
Yesterday, Ken and I went to 3 Brothers for a wine tasting that benefited the Kiwanis Club. We didn't know what to expect, and we had a great time. There were new people to meet and some folks that we had seen before but never really talked to.
By the end of the night, it ended up being Ken and me drinking and talking with Greg and Kerri again. Ken and Kerri were hammered while Greg and I were the responsible ones to drive home. The money spent for the tickets and the bottles of wine will be used for the Youth in the Hardin area. Ken and I never mind a tax-deduction, but we definitely love when we get to have fun doing it! Julane was there (a co-worker of mine) with her ex-husband and another friend, Vickie, so we enjoyed ourselves and had fun.
Ken woke up with a bit of a hangover, so rather than go to church, I baked and he slept. I tried a new recipe for Cinnamon Rolls and they came out really well. I also made up two batches of scones for the week: one with currant and one with cranberries.
Ken and Sean spent the afternoon at the range shooting, while Taylor was at volleyball practice and Mandy and Jordan played video games. I had enjoyed reading an entire book yesterday, and this afternoon, I finally stitched. Yay!!
There has been some good progress on this little bird. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish this week!
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